Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Always Bet on the Yo

To my amazement (or not), AF visits early.....the third time in 6 weeks to be exact, and I have beat feet into the clinic this morning for the suppression check.....or normalcy check....or whatever it is this time. (It's Monday the 16th of March......yeah, I'm a bloggin fool now and almost caught up to myself.)

RE appears in the room with a puzzled look on his face. (Nothing new there.....) I just saw you, he says. Yeah...... You're early. Yeah...... Silence. Puzzlement. More silence. Chart flipping. Puzzlement. (....Let me help you out.....I'm here for the magic wand.....I need a count and some sizes, and maybe a side of BW with an e2?) When did you want to start, he says? ......Well golly about next year?!?!? Tomorrow? What do you think? (Is he seriously asking me this???)

Well let's see what we've got, he says. I am watching the u/s as he counts. There are 6 follies on the left and 5 on the right. They all look much happier to me than they did during my first cycle. They actually look like they might be awake, or ready to wake up! OK, he says. Do you have a calendar? Yes.... Do you have your meds? Yes....(I'm raiding your sample closet on the way out the door). Ok, start the stim shots today, as in now, he says. Conveniently my e2 is 43, naturally double what I was on stim day 4 last time. The nurse appears with a GWP shot of Menopur on the spot. Nice!

At home that night I tell Mr. W there are 11 follies! Eleven....? he says a little giddy. Eleven, I say with a silly "knowing" smile. (Mr. W's favorite bet at the craps table is 11. ) And so I wait for his punchline ...Always bet on the "yo"..... he says!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, 11. Super follie women! good luck with your cycle.
